My original piece was titled "I Have Left My Heart in So Many Places" (see earlier post), well now I have left my heart and soul in a computer considering how long this project took. I chose to work with Google Sketch because it seemed the most user friendly to learn and this is my first 3-D project. There were disadvantages and advantages to using this program. On one hand, it was more user friendly, but this also means that I had to create new ways to do things that may have been easier on the more advanced programs. Several of the problems I ran into were working with the sphere and the stamps on the box. First, I tackled the stamps on the box, this problem really ended up as a learning curve. I first tried to insert scanned pictures of the stamps into premade shapes as textures, however could not figure out how to then size and edit the texture. Then I figured out I could just drag and drop the picture onto the googlesketch screen, but that had its problems as well. I decided to work on another aspect of the piece and in the process accidentally figured out how to edit the textures. Therefore, it still took a while to do, but this frustration turned into success when I figured it out (plus I really like how the box came out). My other frustration was the sphere and basically everything that went with it, and this did not turn out a success. Googlesketch will inform you that you cannot do very much with a sphere after creating it, which includes sculpting, adding lines, and texturing. I had naïvely thought that I could sculpt the piece on googlesketch, however never figured that one out. Since the sphere on googlesketch is made up of a whole bunch of little parts, it is very difficult to color or edit those parts because there are so many of them, therefore, my earth is colored and designed, however it is not as realistic as I had hoped it would be.
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